Jade Samantha is not amused!! She has been booked into this holding cell, but they forgot to take off her waist chain and ankle cuffs! She is crying for help, but the building seems to be deserted. No one can hear her complaints, and Jade is stuck here until someone decides to check on her. Her wrists cuffed to her sides, and her bare ankles in metal, it’s not easy to get comfortable. This is terrible!

put her in an orange jumpsuit
Jade is a sexy jailbird and her bare prison-girl feet are so lovely with her blue painted toe-nails.
Finaly a black and white one.
With the orange ones I permanently think about IS or other islamist stuff, wich is kind of turns me down. :(
Reminds me of the black and white striped scrubs u guys used to use. I wouldn’t mind seeing them on.models again…
She complains about being cold and not having a blanket, but why didn’t she complain about being forced to be barefoot? If one of the prison girls complained about going barefoot, I would be very happy.
I agree with anon, please do it in one of your future videos.