Lovely prisoner Marieke is in full chains: handcuffed tightly in front to her waist belt, connector chain down to her ankle cuffs, no room for movement at all. Still, Marieke is very curious about her restraints. She examines every detail, just to see if there is a hidden way out of this. She rattles and pulls, but it is hopeless. Marieke will have to go to sleep, chained up like this.

Marieke is beautiful and the shackling is very realistic. I know having served two years on a chain gang in Mississippi. I would have given anything to wear a prison jump suit while incarcerated. My work uniform consisted of a short top that left the hips and abdomen bare as well as cutoff blue denims. I was locked in a waist restraint that connected to wrist shackles. The waist chain had a verftical connecting chain that was attached to leg irons that fit tightly against my bare ankles. We attended to our labors barefoot and worked ten hour shifts six days a week.It was the most humiliating experience of my life. I am now a 23 year old college student serving the last year of my parole. i vow never to return to prison.