Our newest model is Gretchen. She is a top model in her agency, but here at CuffedInUniform, she does not get a high class treatment. This poor prison girl is tightly waist belted, shackled, chained, handcuffed, and thumb cuffed. She is completely unable to free her hands, the thumbcuffs and hinged handcuffs make sure she remains a prison girl for however long we like!

So hey, I know CIU is part of the Handcuff Central group and there are already a slew of sites connected with it, but: given the popularity of the prison girl updates, I suspect a dedicated site would do pretty well. I know I’d buy a membership.
i know what hes saying and can u open one possibly in the USA
It will be great, make a dedicatted site for prison girls, and continue the Grabbed Boobs site. Please consider it, at least continue with the Grabbed Boobs with new models