This is one of the most dangerous prisoners we have ever had! This tiny girl is a real escape artist, she can escape almost anything. She needs all the extra security we can find, so we cuff her thumbs and even her big toes! Still, Emily tries everything to escape, she even manages to use her hair pin, this is stuff you only see in movies! But with all the cuffs, waist chains, leg irons, thumb cuffs, and toe cuffs, Emily is not able to escape, and she finally has to give up her fight!

Love the toe cuffs! Please use these more. I would love to see shoots where the guard ends up toe cuffing the prisoner as punishment.
I also love the toecuffs. Please use them more often. Also, can use Emily in another set, this time hogcuffed with three pairs of cuffs, toecufffed? More skin wouldn’t hurt either:)